Saturday, January 18, 2014

It has been wonderful reading all the comments this week. Thank you everyone for your kind remarks.

I wish you all could have been winners of my book.
But alas I only had 2 copies to give away.
The winners are
Who posted this on January 10, 2014 at 11:59 AM
I love doing Irish Crochet. Your book looks great. Would love to win a copy!

I was looking for crocheted flowers for my grandson's wedding cake I crocheted but none I really loved. Now that I have seen a sampling of your work, I think I have found at least one I love. I hope I am one of the lucky ones. Thanks, Anita
Beautiful work.

Congratulations to both of you.
I need both of you to get hold of me at  so I can arrange to get your books to you.
Please contact me as soon as possible.
I hope all of you will have a chance to enjoy Irish Crochet now and in the future.
It's a lovely art form.

I want to Thank you all for taking to the time to share my joy of this book.


  1. I do love Irish Crochet :) even if not me would still like to know 2nd winner.. honest it's not showing me.. should I sign in anywhere? I'll look into it tomorrow, 12:02 a.m. night night :)

  2. The winners were Brenda and Anita Easton.
    Sorry if I didn't make this clear.
