Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Foot prints

While at convention I talked to many people about many things. Okay I was a real chatterbox while there. But my brain was whirling with ideas and thoughts too.
One question that came up in a conversation was,
why do we do what we do?
That got my little brain cells a turning.
I changed the question to, 
Why do I do what I do?
What is my motivation?
For me it is to leave a foot print behind that might truly last.
We all make foot prints in time everyday. But our normal activities are foot prints in the sand. They disappear easily with a gentle rain or a light breeze.
They are still important and valid, just not lasting.
So when I design and publish I am trying to create
 foot prints in stone.
 More lasting.
Fifty years from now, when I am long gone, I would like to think someone will pick up one of my patterns. Admire my work and maybe just maybe, wonder what it would be like to have met me.
I know there are some designers in my collection of antique patterns I would dearly loved to have sat down to lunch with and had a gab fest about our passion.
I want to touch someone like that.
Just like the person who chipped a picture on a rock long ago, I want to be remembered, wondered about, and maybe get my ideas across not just distance, but across time.
So yes it is nice to make money at what I do. It allows me to continue creating my art.
But the true reason I am creating my designs is for the joy.
The true reason I bother with the hassles of being published is I want to reach out and be remembered.
I want my foot prints to be etched in stone.
At least one or two.

1 comment:

  1. what we all want- to be remembered in stitches
